About Us

We Are On A Mission To Help You Get Demo Done.

Ken Collister, our founder, spent 30+ years on the roof. He has tried every tool and trick under the sun to make roofing less difficult. Fed up with the options, he set out to make a better way.

Smartman Tools was born out of frustration with existing methods and tools for roofing demolition. We knew there had to be a better way, so we built dozens of prototypes and tested for hundreds of hours. We didn’t stop until we were satisfied. The end result was RipCart™ Demolition Cutter, a tool that makes long demolition cuts as easy as pushing a lawn mower. Not long after, we introduced BigBlue™ 5T Demolition Blade and BigBlue™ 3T Roofing Demolition Blade to empower circular saws and worm drive saws to cut through the harshest construction materials including tar and gravel, plaster and lathe, much more.